Monday, February 14, 2011

Artists Helping Artists and Helping Hearts

Artists of all types have been coming together to help a jewelry artist from Etsy.  Her shop name there is Designed by Lucinda (it's closed now).  She and her family recently suffered a tragic loss when their home caught fire. They lost everything, but the worst part of all is that they also lost their son. 

Artists have grouped together and opened a shop at Big Cartel where artists of all types can donate their items to sell. The name of the shop is "Helping Hearts".  The proceeds of all sales go to a fund to be given to Lucinda and her family.  The sellers also absorb the shipping costs. 

Since it's not a sanctioned charity, a shop couldn't be created for this at Etsy.  I have donated a couple of necklaces to sell there myself.  In fact, one sold this morning.  Please take a look and see if there's anything their that you would like to purchase, or donate. 

Have a great day!


Sarah said...

I think this is such an important cause to support. Thanks for posting about this to spread the word.

Janie said...

You're welcome Sarah. I agree. Thanks for stopping by.

Sandy's Creations in Clay said...

What a tragic loss for Lucinda and her family. My heart goes out to them. Helping Hearts, such a great name for this wonderful charity.

Janie said...

Thanks for stopping by Sandy. I don't think there can be anything worse than losing a son, especially at that young age. It is good though to see so many people pulling together to try and help in some way.